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◎ 誠徵助理教授(含)以上之專任師資。
◎ 擬聘日期:自114年2月1日起聘 (113學年度第2學期)或114年8月1日起聘(114學年度第1學期),視完成學校聘任程序時間而決定。
◎ 資格:獲有教育部認可之國內外觀光、休閒、遊憩管理相關領域之博士學位。
The Department of Tourism, Recreation and Leisure Studies, National Dong Hwa University, invites applications for one full-time position at the Assistant Professor level (or above level). Candidates with expertise in the field of Tourism, Recreation, and Leisure Studies are welcome. The position will become effective on February 1, 2025 or on August 1, 2025, it will be decided based on the timeline of completing the appointment process.

Qualified candidates must have a Ph.D. degree in Tourism, Recreation, and Leisure Studies or other related fields.
1. Applicants who are in leisure-recreation management fields.
2. Applicants who could be able to teach courses: Foundations for Qualitative Research and other leisure-recreation management related courses are preferred.(Please refer to the curriculum program list in our department website)
3. Applicants should demonstrate the ability to teach in English and Chinese.
4. Applicants who have practical/teaching experience in Tourism, Recreation, and Leisure fields are preferred.
5. Applicants who could balance research, teaching, service and counseling are preferred.
◎ 檢附資料:
 2.學經歷證件(含完整學位論文)【國外學經歷另須檢附:國外學歷證件、歷年成績單、國外經歷服務證明需向駐外單位辦理驗證並蓋驗證戳記,及經駐外館處驗證或國內公證人認證之中文譯本、國外學位送審教師修業情形一覽表(持博士學位者,累計在當地學校修業時間至少須滿 16 個月;碩士、博士學位同時修習者,累計在當地學校修業時間至少須滿 24 個月)、歷年入出境紀錄(請逕向內政部移民署申請,申請人為外國人或僑民者免附)】各 1 份。

◎ 國立東華大學專任教師聘任辦法請參閱:https://web.ndhu.edu.tw/Articles/Read/File/356

Required documents:
1. A curriculum vitae (including research interest, personal statement, the courses that the applicant can offer, and a complete list of publications)
2. Photocopy of the doctoral degree diploma and Ph.D. dissertation. If you earned your Ph.D. degree outside Taiwan. You also need to prepare (1) The certification of foreign degree verified by the Embassies and Missions abroad, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, R.O.C. (2) The certificate of entry and exit dates during your study if you are a Taiwanese.
3. The reprints of the most representative publications from August 1, 2018. (including dissertation)
4. Three letters of recommendation.
5. The transcripts of undergraduate and graduate programs.
6. Applicants who have teaching experience, please attach the course syllabi and evaluation reports within 5 years.
7. The copy of the teacher certificate (optional)
8. Other related documents (e.g. sample syllabi)
※If the applicant wants to request the documents back, please provide a large self-addressed envelope

All documents must be received no later than September 06, 2024.
Work location: Department of Tourism, Recreation and Leisure Studies, National Dong Hwa University
Address: No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, Hualien County, 974301
收件人:國立東華大學觀光暨休閒遊憩學系收 【請註明:應徵專任教師】
收件截止日期:即日起至113年09月06日(五)止 (以郵戳為憑)
電話:(03)890-3292 | 傳真:(03)890-0158| E-mail:estela@gms.ndhu.edu.tw
Mailing Address:
Faculty Recruitment Committee
Department of Tourism, Recreation and Leisure Studies
National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan
Management Building A316, No. 1, Sec. 2, Da Hsueh Rd., Shoufeng, Hualien 974301, Taiwan, (R.O.C.)

※All documents must be received no later than June 10, 2024.
For any further inquiries, please contact Ms. Chuang by email: estela@gms.ndhu.edu.tw, or by calling at +886-3-890-3292; Fax: +886-3-890-0158.